Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Music Choices

Ok, so I made a few posts today instead of doing one big one with unrelated stuff.
This is is about my summer music. I've discovered some bands and am just crazy in love with them right now!

First up is Mika. His music is amazing and the man himself is sexy as hell! Well, in a skinny boy, musician, quirky kinda way. Which is sexy to me. He was born in Lebanon and you can really see the European influence in his music videos.
I had a really hard time figuring out what song to post here. Grace Kelly is my favorite but Big Girl is really good too and Lollipop... Relax, Take it Easy...oh and Love Today...see my dilemma?! So I think I'll just post a few and leave it up to you all to check out the others.

oh what the hell, here's Grace Kelly too!

The next band I've fallen for is MGMT. It's actually been a long courtship, but I've heard enough of their stuff now to be sure I'm ready to take this relationship to the next level, sort to speak :)
So, if you listen to popular/alt rock radio, you're probably familiar with the song, Kids, by them. That song was really good before they over played it. But here's some of their other stuff that is just as good if not better. Enjoy!

This is the interactive version of the music video. For some reason I can't embed the actual one, so you'll just have to go to youtube yourself to watch the real one.

Yeah, for some reason the embed option is disabled on all of their music videos. But if you like them, you can go to youtube and see all of them. I'll also recommend the songs Time to Pretend, and Youth.

Okay, and the last band I've added to my summer playlist is Backseat Goodbye. Like MGMT, I've known about them for a while but haven't had the chance to really get to know them until now. My absolute favorite of theirs is Technicolor Eyes! :) They also do great covers of My Girl (by the Temptations) and Anyone Else but You (by the Moldy Peaches).

Here's my favorite :)

I hope you all enjoy my music!

1 comment:

  1. I like Grace Kelly the best out of the Mika songs. (Finally got to stop by your Blog - miss you!)
