Thursday, April 30, 2009

Men. Are they really this bad?

So, you know those articles they post on the Yahoo! home page? Every couple of days there's a relationship one. "Why Men Cheat" is a common one, I've noticed. Today's relationship article was about dating (shocking). That's not what this post is about. At the end of those articles are always links to similar articles.

Now, when I'm bored at work (like I am now) "Why Guys Dump Girls They Dig" easily captures my attention and before I know it, I'm 2 pages deep into theories about why my past relationships ended.

Ok, I know that this is a Cosmo article. Not exactly the most reliable source. But still, I can't shake the nightmare it would mean if this article reported truth. I mean, many of these "theories" could explain why my most recent break up went down the way it did, but it's not really a consolation.

Can anyone deny these claims? I'd really hate to believe that guys are this scumbag-pig-jerk-asshole-like.

Cutest thing!!!! Baby squirrel gets help climbing a wall

This is just the cutest thing ever!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


In 9th or 10th grade, I read the book Night by Elie Wiesel. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. It's about Wiesel's experience surviving the concentration camps. His story really touched me and I wrote this poem:

I used to think the night was short
back when sleep
overcame me the
my head hit the cottoncloudlike pillow
back when dreams were
accompanied by sunshine sonatas
with visions of chocolate palaces and marshmallow beds
The hours flowed by unnoticed like a soft
stream in the woods until
all of a sudden
it would be


now i know better
now i know how long the
night really is
now i know that each
hour is composed of sixty miserable minutes
which are formed by sixty
excruciating seconds
and in each second an eternity elapses
my nights are spent
in this
where mercy graces no one
where death lingers like fog in the city
where there is
no God
in every eternalsecond
i’m reminded that my days are numbered
that at any moment they
could choose me
as the next number to
but what i fear the most
is not death or
laborious days with no food
no what makes me shiver with trepidation in every bit of my being

Monday, April 27, 2009

Bomb Vase!

Check this out:

from a bomb looking vase!
I think they're really funny and cute...and I kinda really want one of my own :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Keith Lee Trio

This is one of my all time favorite bands! (and not just 'cause my brother is the lead singer!) This was a really good show! Here's Keith Lee Trio playing Voodoo Child and an original called, Don't Play with My Heart. You can see more of them and buy their music at and become a fan of them on facebook :)

Voodoo Child

Don't Play With My Heart

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Scarf Project!

I thought I'd show you guys what I'm working on currently :) I found this scarf pattern on Raverly. And I got the yarn as a gift from my on of my many knitting aunts. I really love this reminds me of playdough icecream :) I've only had playdough icecream one place in my life and it's gone now. I'd love to know if anyone else has had/remembers it!

This is a close up of the pattern. It's really neat :)

I got a little happy with the camera.

Yay new sunglasses!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

post secret

This was taken from They update every sunday and reading the new secrets is one of my favorite things to do at the end of the week. It's just so powerful because there are some that you really feel for. There are so many secrets that touch my makes me want to give the person a hug and tell them everything is going to be okay.
I chose to post this one, not because I think my life is boring (cuz I don't) but because I love David Sedaris and I feel for the person who wrote this. I want to tell them that they can tell their story better than David Sedaris could, that they have that ability...they just need to believe in themselves.
I dunno...I guess it's a good thing I'm going to be an RA. I like helping people a lot.

Anyways, if you don't already, I highly recommend checking the site and/or buying the post secret books. It's quite the experience.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Disney Templates

This is just crazy. I feel ripped off...


This is a little kid trying desperately to explain to his father that his baby brother has blood on his cheek:

Funny right?! He's so adorable!! and soooo serious! Now, while I laugh, I have to admit, I can totally relate to this kid. I'm short and for some reason, this makes it funny when I try to make a point (especially when I'm mistaken, like the young gentleman in the video). I love my boyfriend, but he and my siblings are the most guilty when it comes to laughing at "serious kelsey." Haha, and you can see at the end of the video, he almost starts to laugh because his dad is laughing and that makes him mad so he yells. Typical response. I hate it when people make me undermine my own point by making me laugh at myself... :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

First Poem Post!

This one is being published :)


It’s only when we talk that I realize
how much I’ve hidden from myself

How much I’ve stored away in the
do-NOT-remember-or-else file in the
CAUTION-may-cause-burns cabinet in the
avoid-at-ALL-costs room in the
cobwebcorners of my mind

and yet
despite all the warnings
all the screams from the audience
(NO! don’t go in there!!)

I venture to that corner
enter that room
unlock the cabinet
and scour the file
all at the sound of your voice
and I’m plunged into
blissful nostalgia
for that tentwenty minutes (or however long you have)
and then

“okay, well I should go”
“oh, yeah, me too”
“have a good week”
“yeah, you too”
“k, bye”

instantaneous JOLT back to reality
you are there (yes NEW YORK, I freaking get it)
I am here
we are not together
that’s that
it must be

pass the hot potato
jump the lava
put it all back!
someone’s coming
no one’s coming
they’re here
I’m alone


slam the cabinet
lock the door
throw away the key (I should never have come back)
flee the scene
and forget
go numb
(it takes a few days to cool the burns of those hot memories)

and then it happens
I stop thinking about you
I put on that sunny disposition until even I’m fooled
and here is my life
I am happy

but there is always that ache in my chest
(and by now I can’t remember what it could be from)
(what’s got into me?! I’m a sap!)
as if instead of breaking, shattering my heart
that blow simply set off
a little explosion of emotion that expanded my heart
so now
I see the dying, suffering people of history
the grieving son of present
the execution of an innocent and FICTITIOUS man
and it’s all I can do to
keep composure
to not stop this body
sit it down
and cry
for loses I’ve never felt
for people I’ve never met
for souls who never lived

my sympathetic and empathetic abilities
have reached superhuman proportions
and I don’t know
what to do
with them


Okay, so apparently I'm just on a note writing spree tonight (bored at work lol)

So, I saw Milk and REALLY really liked it. Sometimes, you just come across those movies, or novels, or quotes that just make a huge impact on you. Sometimes it's hard to explain why, but whatever. Supersize Me had this affect on me and did Milk.

The more and more I think about what Harvey Milk fought and died for, the more black and white this issue becomes for me. I mean, it just seems SO obvious that denying gay and lesbians their rights as American citizens and as human beings is as offensive, oppressive, and just out and out wrong as it was to deny African Americans or women theirs. I mean, come on people, can we please show a little progress?! I mean it seems like we have an obsession with oppression...and we should get some help for that.

For those of you not convinced, let me share some information with you. There have been many studies conducted to answer the question why some men and women are homosexual while others are heterosexual. While the genetic research isn't very developed, the discoveries made in brain structure should be enough of an explanation. It has been proven that gay men's brains function more like straight women and gay women's brains function more like straight men. It's not a choice. Well, I mean in a way it is. I suppose gay men and women choose to be themselves and not live a lie...but come on, it's not a choice.

I think people are just afraid of the unknown and of what they don't understand. That's human instinct I think. But we need to mature past that. We need to accept instead of discriminate. It's just so preposterous to me that SO many people are ok with openly discriminating! and it seems that most do it because it's in the Bible. and that's a whole other issue...

...which I will address :) okay, so I admit, i have not read more than 5 pages of the bible. However, I do know that the bible also says do not kill. And yet, we find justification for killing all the time. War is the obvious one. but what about capitol punishment? well they deserve it right? come on guys, is that really what Jesus would do?! My point is, just because it is in the Bible does not mean it is 100% true in every single situation!

but, I'm getting off subject. this note is getting a bit lengthy, so I will wrap it up. Let's get over our fears, stop hiding behind religion, and start practicing tolerance.

as always, I love to hear your comments (for or against my stance)

Nobody likes intros I'll make this short! I'm Kelsey. I love writing and thought this would be a good outlet for that side of me. Nobody may every come across this...and I'm okay with that. Of course, the whole point of making it though is in the hopes that someone will eventually read it. I love feedback and controversial issues. (I know, a bit of a non sequitur, but whatever)
I'm in college and majoring in Biology and English (on the Creative Writing Track) and I'm also going to be an RA soon.
I think that's pretty much all ya need to know about me at the moment.
I'll get some good stuff up soon :)